How do you earn your next million? 0:00
How real estate entrepreneurs can build a brand, generate leads and still earn their next million dollars in income.
How to get to your next million.
The time to have the map is before you enter the woods. 1:01
She wanted to have a net worth of $35 million before she was 55, and she is in her early 40s right now.
She lost 30 pounds in the last 18 months.
The feeling of deserving comes from doing the work. 2:59
She pulled out her calendar and scrolled back 18 months into the month view and showed me each of her blocks in her calendar.
The feeling of deserving comes from doing the work.
I don't feel like I deserve it. 4:34
grant cardone doesn't feel like she deserves that $35 million net worth by the time she is 55, Shawn says.
Grant cardone always says this because that's her goal.
The work you put in makes you deserving. 5:26
The feeling of deserving comes from the work you put in. The reason she felt like she deserved the weight loss was because she saw she put in the work.
You get the belief when you feel like you deserve it, not because of anything else.
When you do the work it creates the feeling of deserving. 7:20
When you do the work, it creates the feeling of deserving, and when you feel deserving it creates a new belief.
The work that you do is what keeps you going.
It's never too late to plan. 9:02
It's never too late to plan. The next 10 days are going to be different. Start to remove the anxiety and remove the roadblocks.
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The big question is this. How are real estate entrepreneurs like us who spend money from our own pockets to build a brand, generate leads and deliver value to our clients? How do we do all of that and still earn our next million dollars in income? If you want proven secrets to get to your next million, keep listening. If you want to faster, go to Kingston, forward slash secrets. Welcome to Kingston Lane podcast. Hi, this is Sharon Srivatsa. Welcome back to the Kingston Lane podcast. And today I have a short one. But a great story for you and a great message for you. Because I think that we all need to hear this sometimes. So let me take you back to a quick conversation I had with a really great entrepreneur, a great real estate professional. She's doing a really great job. And she told me she used these exact numbers, and I want to share those with you. And she said, sure on my goal is to make to is to make $35 million. I said, What do you mean, she goes I want to have I've always wanted this dream. I wanted to have a net worth of $35 million before I'm 55. And she's in her early 40s right now. And I actually have no doubt that she's going to make it. I said, that's great. Like, let's let's work on that. Do you have a plan for it? And she goes, What do you mean? And I said, Well, do you have a plan for it? And there's a funny quote that I heard. I think a park ranger say once he says, the time to have the map is before you enter the woods, right? The time to have the map is before you enter the woods. And a lot of times when we go through our business and go through our lives, we think about these big goals $35 million net worth before I'm 55. And it's interesting to me because it's interesting syndrome of Big Gold, no plan. And I know that she's going to make it and I got her permission to share this with you. But she has never in her life made a million dollars. She doesn't even know what that looks like. But she's so focused on the 35 million she's focused, so focused on steps 1718 and 19. That she doesn't have a map for steps one, two, and three. So the first question I asked her was, hey, do you have a plan for this? Like, can we talk about them? And of course she did. And so I turned around, and over the last 18 months when I have seen her she has this insane transformation. She's lost a lot of weight. She, you know, in the last 18 months, she's lost close to 30 pounds. And I said, so let's talk about this. In the last 18 months, you lost 30 pounds intentionally. You look great, you feel good. You wanted to do this, how did you do it? And she's like, well, I put in the work. And I said what does that mean? So she pulled out her calendar, and she scrolled back 18 months into the month view. And she showed me each of her blocks she had in her calendar, which you would put makes sense, right? She showed me the times where she had blocks when she was going to eat and drink water. She told me the time she had blocked off for walking and yoga and exercise. She told me, she showed me these blocks all color coded in her calendar. And then I said to her something, which just came out naturally. And I asked her I said, Do you feel like you deserved losing the weight? You feel like you deserve losing the weight? And she goes absolutely. Absolutely. And I would agree with her because deserving the feeling of deserving comes from doing the work. I'll tell you again, the feeling of deserving comes from doing the work. What she had on her calendar was the the weight loss where she had in her calendar was the steps that she needed for the big goal that she had. It was not a big goal, no plan. She had what was in her calendar. It's so funny. Like a lot of times we see people that have lost weight. And we're like Jimmy, how did you do it? And what do you think they say, Oh, just, you know, I ate better and worked out. Right? Like, you know the answer. It's amazing. But there's a there's a feeling associated with it, which is the feeling of deserving comes from doing the work. The feeling of deserving comes from doing the work. Why am I saying this to you? Because she said something interesting right after that. She's like, but Sharon, I don't feel like I deserve that $35 million. By the time I'm 55 She says use the words to me. She's like, Shawn, I don't feel like I deserve that $35 million net worth before I'm 55 She's like I don't feel like I deserve it. But I really that's my that's my goal because I wrote that down as a goal and that's my goal for my family and It doesn't matter what anybody says. Because that's my goal. And you know, Grant Cardone always says this, and because that's my goal, that's what she said to me. Because that's my goal. She had no idea why she had it. She just wanted that as the goal $35 million net worth before she was 55. And she's never made a million dollars in her life. She's never even done step one, and two, and she says to me, I don't feel like I deserve it. So I want to, I want to unpack just this thing very quickly for you. The feeling of deserving comes from the work you put in. The reason she feels like she deserved the weight loss was because she saw she put in the work. You feel deserving, because of the work that you put in. The only way that you feel deserving is because of the work that you put in. When we tell when I tell my son, you deserve the grade A grade and your math tests. Why? Now because he's smart, but because I know that he put in the work every single day to do his homework. We feel deserving, because we do the work. We feel deserving, because we do the work. But she had an interesting, you know, thought process there. And she thought it was a belief system problem. So she was like, I'm going to write out my goals. I'm going to write out my goals, I'm going to write out my goals. And she's like, I've been writing out my goals every single day. I feel like I don't deserve them. I just don't believe them anymore. Now, did you hear that? I feel like I don't deserve them. I just don't even believe that she thought that she could add it into our consciousness just by writing and rewriting goals. Most of our coaches, mentors, etc, who have never done transformational things tell us things like or just write down your goals every day? Well, I can write down my goals every day doesn't mean I believe it doesn't mean I believe it, or I am, you know, I have a net worth of $35 million, like, sure, but she doesn't believe it. She doesn't even feel like she deserves it. So there's two real components in here. The problem is two things. You get the feeling of deserving when you do the work. And you get the belief. When you feel like you deserve it. I'll say it again. You get the belief when you feel like you deserve it. When I asked her, did she believe that she was going to lose the weight? Yeah, you know, when that happened, it happened when she realized that she deserved the weight loss. She believed it not because of anything else. Not even because she did the work. When you do the work, it creates the feeling of deserving. And when you feel deserving. It creates the new belief, just by writing and rewriting your goals from memory is one thing. But unless you feel deserving, you will never feel the belief. So whatever goal you have, you can deconstruct it, you can reverse engineer it, you can go to some random business planning event. All that is great. You can write it and rewrite it all day. There's a reason why there's a reason why you don't hit it. There's a reason why year after year, year after year after year, there's so much inconsistency in you hitting it. There's a reason why. And the reason is this. If you hit it, you can do so much more if you hit it. The reason you hit it is because of your work ethic because you feel deserving, when you do the work. And when you feel deserving. It installs than your belief. When you feel deserving it installs a new belief. Now I'm not asking you to go work your face off. I'm just saying the only way to feel deserving is to do the work. And the ease it is easier said than done. And I know that but I'll tell you this is really joyful when you start doing the work. It's really joyful when you start feeling deserving. What keeps us going is not checking things off our list. What keeps us going is knowing that we are deserving. And the true trance transcending into something so much more special is that it changes the way we believe what we believe we can do, how we believe we can change how we believe we can impact the world. And the belief will never come unless you feel deserving. And the only way you feel deserving is when you do the work. Right. Now the problem is, what is the work that you do.
And that's for a whole different story. I hope as you go through the season of planning and thinking, remember, it's never too late to plan you can stop and plan at any time in your life. You can just say hey, my next 10 days are going to be different because when you start to plan, you start to remove the anxiety you start to remove the roadblocks and you start to clarify steps one, two and three. That $35 million by 55 is not the plan how to get to my first million and how I did that is the plan or how do I get my first 100,000 is the plan how do I make my next sale? How do I make this repeatable because when you feel deserving, when you do the work, but more importantly, you feel a new belief when you feel deserving. Hey, I appreciate you all hope that was helpful. If this was helpful, just hit me up on Instagram or Facebook send me a quick direct message saying that was good. If you want me to go deeper on this. I know I only have a short time with you guys but we're committed to getting you the best results possible. So again, my Instagram is my full name Sharran Srivatsaa Just send me a direct message I want to hear from you. And of course I check all my messages and happy to support you in any way again. You feel deserving when you do the work, and it completely changes your belief system when you feel deserving, John next one. Do you want more real estate secrets? Then go get all our best kept secrets that agents around the world are using to win more listings, grow their team and make a fortune every single day. Go to Kingston Ford slash secrets. That's Kingston forward slash secrets
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