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Ever faced an objection that caught you off guard? It's all about de-escalating and reframing the conversation. 🧘♂️ When someone says, "Jimmy would do it for 2%," stay cool, calm, and collected. Ask questions that make them explain their logic.
"Jimmy is offering 2%? Tell me more about that." 🗣️
By doing this, you force a logical explanation and avoid heated arguments. Remember, a calm approach not only de-escalates the situation but also positions you as a professional. 💼✨
De escalate and reframe, right? You have to de escalate, because nobody gives you an objection in a cool, calm, collected way. Objection generally is a trigger. Oh no, no. Jimmy said he'd do it for 2% they didn't say, Oh yeah, my friend Jimmy said he would do it for 2% No, you're never gonna get that. So what are you gonna have to do? Hey, Jimmy said he'd do it for 2% and then what my job is to de escalate first. Well, wait, it's 2% and now they have to explain. When you have to explain logically, you have to stop, you have to cool down, and you have to explain logically, otherwise you sound like an idiot. So now you're gonna deescalate, then they'll explain. Then you can say, oh, so Jimmy lives in the Redlands, and he wants to sell your home because he's your friend. He's doing it as a favor to you, 500 miles away, is that right? Oh, yeah, that sounds right. Now. Now you know, if I had perfect information, I would never have any objections. 100%
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